Using the Command/Response Table for SIS Commands
The command/response table follows this section. Lowercase letters are acceptable
in the command field except where indicated. The table below shows the hexadecimal
equivalent of ASCII characters used in the command/response tables.
ASCII to HEX Conversion Table
Figure 19. ASCII to Hexadecimal Conversion
Symbols are used throughout the table to represent variables in the command/response
fields. Command and response examples are shown throughout the table.
Symbol Definitions
] = Carriage return with line feed
| or } = Carriage return with no line feed
• = Space
E or W = Escape key
NOTE: If unit does not support or recognize the entered commands, nothing will
happen and no response is issued.
X! = Input selection, 1 to 3
X@ = Output selection:
0 = All outputs (Only available for Video Mute)
1 = Output 1 Only (HDMI)
2 = Output 2A Only (HDMI)
3 = Output 2B Only (DTP)
X# = Input video format:
0 = Auto Detect (Default) 4 = S-Video
1 = RGB 5 = Composite
2 = Auto YUV 6 = HDMI/DVI
3 = RGBcvS 7 = DisplayPort
X$ = H/V start — 0 to 255 (default midpoint = 128, translates to the default value in the
input lookup tables)
X% = Detected Input Video Format:
0 = No signal present 5 = Composite
1 = RGB 6 = DVI
2 = Auto YUV 7 = HDMI
3 = RGBcvS 8 = DisplayPort
4 = S-Video
Annotator 300 • SIS Communication and Control 34