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Section 11 ... Firmware V1.0 (3000T)
Control Characters
§ Control Characters are from 01 through 31.
Character Control Hex/Dec. CONTROL ACTION
EOT ^D 04/04 End Of Text
Printer sends an EOT character when buffer is empty. This is
used to tell the host that printer is in idle mode.
BS ^H 08/08 Back Space
Remove previous character in print buffer.
HT ^I 09/09 Horizontal Tab
Tab to 5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33,37 or to the beginning of next
LF ^J 0A/10 Line Feed
Advance to beginning of next line.
VT ^K 0B/11 Vertical Tab
Advance 8 lines.
FF ^L 0C/12 Form Feed
Advance 11 lines.
CR ^M 0D/13 Carriage Return
Advance to beginning of next line.
Clears double width or extended print pending.
SO ^N 0E/14 Shift Out
All characters are printed in double width. 24 Columns Mode.
SI ^O 0F/15 Shift In
All characters are printed in normal width. 48 Columns Mode.
XON ^Q 11/17 Transmitter On
Printer to Host: Ready to receive data.
Host to printer: The host is ready to accept data.
AUXON ^R 12/18 Print on
Printer to Host: Print is on line.
Transmitted after initial power up or clearing of printer jam.
XOFF ^S 13/19 Printer receiver is off
Printer to Host: Print Buffer is full.
Host to Printer: Host transmitter off.
NORM ^T 14/20 Return to normal print
AUXOFF ^U 15/21 Printer to Host: printer is off
Transmitted to host before power down or paper out
ESC ^[ 1B/27 Escape
Escape character precedes graphics and printer operating
modes. Refer to escape command section.
EXTEND ^\ 1C/28 Extended print
All characters following this command are printed double high
^] 1D/29 Extended print off/Normal print
All characters following this command are printed normal size
Issuing Escape Commands