System Application Guide SAG581126000
Spec. No. 581126000 (Model 700
NVBA) Issue AD, November 23, 2009
Page 91 of 123
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Module Mounting Position Blank Cover Panel (P/N 540959)
♦ Covers one (1) unused module mounting position.
Ordering Notes
1) Order a Module Mounting Position Blank Cover Panel, P/N 540959, for
each empty module mounting position in the system.
Battery Charge Temperature Compensation Probe
for Single Probe Digital Compensation (P/Ns 107021 and 106824)
♦ This system can be used with a Battery Charge Temperature Compensation Probe. This probe must be
mounted near the battery to sense battery ambient temperature. The probe connects to and allows the
MCA to automatically increase or decrease the output voltage of the system to maintain battery float
current as battery ambient temperature decreases or increases, respectively. Battery life can be
extended when an optimum charge voltage to the battery with respect to temperature is maintained. Two
probes are available. P/N 107021 has a 25-foot long cord. P/N 106824 has a 100 foot-long cord. See
Overall Dimensions, Optional Digital Battery Charge Temperature Compensation Probe (P/N 107021
and 106824)" under PHYSICAL SIZE INFORMATION for a dimensional drawing. Refer to
PD588705100/PD588705101/PD588705102/PD588705103/PD588705104 for complete specifications.
Ordering Notes
1) Order one Battery Charge Temperature Compensation Probe per power system, as required.
Battery Charge Temperature Compensation Probe Concentrator
for Multiple Probe Use (TXM)
Battery Temperature Probe Concentrator Kit (P/N 524570)
♦ The Battery Temperature Probe Concentrator (TXM) expands battery
temperature monitoring capabilities by providing a means of monitoring up
to eight (8) analog battery temperature probes. The TXM provides a digital
output for connection to the MCA battery temperature probe connector.
The MCA can be programmed to compensate for the hottest probe
reading, the average temperature of all connected probes, or the probe
connected to the lowest numbered connector. The kit includes one TXM
(P/N 521211) and one 25 ft. interface cable (P/N 521228) for connecting
the TXM to the MCA.
Requires P/N 521262 analog probes. Cannot be used with digital probes (P/N
106824 and 107021).
Ordering Notes
1) Order one Battery Charge Temperature Compensation Probe Concentrator
Kit (P/N 524570) per power system, and up to eight P/N 521262 probes, as
required. Order extension cable P/N 514153 as required.