Quick Start
1. Use the scroll wheels to select the Index Number you want to modify (0 to 15) or click the on the index number in the
hierarchy view.
2. Select the index type. Absolute indexes travel to specific absolute positions. Incremental indexes move the axis a specific
distance from its current position.
3. The Distance/Position parameter specifies the distance the index will travel (incremental index) or the absolute position
the index will move to (absolute index).
4. The Velocity parameter specifies the velocity used for the index. The velocity parameter can not be negative.
5. The Acceleration parameter specifies the acceleration value to be used during the index.
6. The Deceleration parameter specifies the deceleration value to be used during the index.
Online Setup
These steps assume you have already created a configuration file. If you have already downloaded the configuration file, go
to Step 3. If you have not yet created the configuration file, go to Offline Setup Step 1. Do Steps 1 through 7 in the previous
section, “Offline Setup”, before establishing communications.
Generally, online setup is used when editing parameters in a device. Offline setup editing is usually only done when not
connected to a device.
Step 1: Establishing Communications with Drive
Now that the basic device setup parameters are entered, it is time to establish communications with the device and download
the configuration data. Before proceeding, be sure to connect the serial communication cable between your PC and the device.
When attempting to download a configuration using PowerTools Pro, the software may need to be configured to the correct
communication settings for the intended connection.
To configure the preferences, select the Options|Preferences|Ptools Operations from the menu bar then select the
Communications tab see Figure 93. This dialog box allows the user to configure which communication connections are
scanned when performing any communication operations. Default is all ports are scanned.
The serial communication baud rate can be changed, the drive baud rate and PowerTools Pro baud rate must match. Default
drive baud rate = 19200. PowerTools Pro will not check to see if any devices with node addresses higher than the number
entered are available on the network. The default number is 4 with a maximum number of 32 node addresses.