MVME3100 Single Board Computer Installation and Use (6806800M28C)
4.7 I
C Serial Interface and Devices
The MVME3100 provides the following on-board I2C serial devices connected to the MPC8540
I2C controller interface:
z 8KB serial EEPROM for VPD
z Two 64KB serial EEPROMs for user configuration data storage
z 256 byte serial EEPROM on SODIMM for SPD
z Maxim DS1375 RTC
z Maxim DS1621 temperature sensor
z 8KB serial EEPROM on RTM VPD
The Maxim DS1375 RTC implemented on the MVME3100 provides an alarm interrupt routed
to the MPC8540 programmable interrupt controller (PIC). A Maxim DS32KHz temperature
controlled crystal oscillator provides the RTC reference. A battery backup circuit for the RTC is
provided on board.
The Maxim DS1621 digital temperature sensor provides a measure of the temperature of the
The I
C interface is also routed to the on-board SODIMM socket. This allows the serial presence
detect (SPD) in the serial EEPROM, which is located on the memory module, to be read and
used to configure the memory controller accordingly. Similarly, the I2C interface is routed to
the P2 connector for access to the serial EEPROM located on the RTM. The device address for
the RTM serial EERPOM is user-selectable using configuration switches on the RTM.
Refer to the MVME3100 Single-Board Computer Programmer’s Reference Guide in Appendix B,
Related Documentation, for more information.
4.8 Ethernet Interfaces
The MVME3100 provides one 10/100 and two 10/100/1000 Mb/s full duplex Ethernet
interfaces using the MPC8540 Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC) and two Triple Speed Ethernet
Controllers (TSEC). A Broadcom BCM5461S PHY is used for each TSEC interface, and each TSEC
interface and PHY is configured to operate in GMII mode. One Gigabit Ethernet interface is
routed to a front-panel RJ-45 connector with integrated LEDs for speed and activity indication.
The other Gigabit Ethernet interface is routed to P2 for rear I/O.