
Modbus 485 and Modbus IP Protocols - UPS Systems
153 Liebert
Modbus/BACnet IP
Battery Total Discharge Time 30316 1 hr
N+1, 1+N,
1+1, SMS
Battery Discharge Power 30317 1 W
N+1, 1+N,
1+1, SMS
Battery Last Discharge Date 30318 2
Year 0xFFFF 0000
Mon 0x0000 FF00
Day 0x0000 00FF
N+1, 1+N,
1+1, SMS
Battery Last Discharge Date 30320 2
Hour 0xFF00 0000
Min 0x00FF 0000
Sec 0x0000 FF00
N+1, 1+N,
1+1, SMS
Battery Commission Date 30322 2
Masks: Year
0xFFFF 0000
Mon 0x0000 FF00
Day 0x0000 00FF
N+1, 1+N,
1+1, SMS
Battery Commission Date 30324 2
Hour 0xFF00 0000
Min 0x00FF 0000
Sec 0x0000 FF00
N+1, 1+N,
1+1, SMS
DC Bus Voltage 30326 1 VDC
N+1, 1+N,
1+1, SMS
DC Bus Current 30327 1 A DC
N+1, 1+N,
1+1, SMS
DC Bus Qualification Status 30328 1
0 = Fail
1 = Marginal Low
2 = Normal
3 = Marginal High
N+1, 1+N,
1+1, SMS
System Output Pct Pwr (VA) Phs A 30329 1 %
N+1, 1+N,
1+1, SMS
System Output Pct Pwr (VA) Phs B 30330 1 %
N+1, 1+N,
1+1, SMS
System Output Pct Pwr (VA) Phs C 30331 1 %
N+1, 1+N,
1+1, SMS
Output Qualification Status 30332 1
0 = Fail
1 = Marginal Low
2 = Normal
3 = Marginal High
N+1, 1+N,
1+1, SMS
Inverter Overload Time Remaining 30333 1 sec
N+1, 1+N,
1+1, SMS
Inverter Output Qualification Status 30334 1
0 = Fail
1 = Marginal Low
2 = Normal
3 = Marginal High
N+1, 1+N,
1+1, SMS
Total System Operating Time 30335 2 hr
SCC, N+1,
1+N, 1+1,
Rectifier Pulse Count 30337 1
0 = 6 Pulse
1 = 12 Pulse
2 = 18 Pulse
3 = 24 Pulse
N+1, 1+N,
1+1, SMS
Rectifier Input Passive Filter 30338 1
0 = Not Installed
1 = Installed
N+1, 1+N,
1+1, SMS
Rectifier Passive Filter Switch 30339 1
0 = Not Installed
1 = Installed
N+1, 1+N,
1+1, SMS
Table 56 Liebert NXL
- 60Hz, UL version (Model 40) - Input and Holding (continued)
Data Label
# of
Regs Scale Units / Notes