Reference Manual
IP2048/RM, Rev AA
Appendix F: Configuring Using HART
February 2015
Mobrey MCU900 Series control unit
To view or change the scale factor / k-factor:
1. From the Main Menu screen, select SETUP.
2. Select the transmitter (e.g. “Tx1:MSP400RH”).
3. Select DUTY.
4. Select PV Scale Factor.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions to edit and save the new setting.
(Press the Enter ( ) key if prompted to change mode to “off-line”).
6. Select “Quit” to exit to the previous menu.
F.3.16 Profile height / Power factor (P014)
Level measurement
This is not used for level measurements. It does not appear on the Field Communicator unless
required for volume or flow measurements.
Volume measurement
When the process value (PV) is a volume measurement from a standard non-linear-shaped tank
e.g. an ideal horizontal cylinder or a sphere, use this parameter to enter the diameter
(see Figure F-5 on page 116).
When the PV is a volume measurement from a regular-shaped tank
e.g. square or rectangular, this parameter is not used.
When the PV is a volume measurement from an irregular-shaped tank, use this parameter to
enter the maximum height (see page 112). See also the Special Plot section on page 112 for
defining the irregular-shaped tank.
Open channel measurement
When the process value (PV) is a flow rate in a standard open channel, this parameter is used as
the power factor (‘pwr’ term) in a flow rate calculation (see “Flow measurement” on page 116).
When the PV is the flow rate in an irregular-shaped open channel, use this parameter to enter the
maximum height (see page 112). See also the Special Plot section on page 116 for defining the
irregular-shaped channel.
Fast Keys
2, 2, 3, 5
PV Scale Factr P013
Esc=Quit =Edit