iebert MP Advanced Power Strips (Access Series)/MP-S Series
Form Factor Input Voltage Input Plug Length PDU's Supported Installed Network Cards Installed RS232 Cards Part Number
Rckmnt / 1U 120 5-15P 6' 4 (Expand to 8) 1 1 MP-S5137-125
Rckmnt / 1U 200-240 IEC-C14 6' 4 (Expand to 8) 1 1 MP-S5137-230
Rckmnt / 1.5U 120 5-15P 6' 4 (Expand to 20) 1 1 MP-S5138-125
Rckmnt / 1.5U 200-240 IEC-C14 6' 4 (Expand to 20) 1 1 MP-S5138-230
Rckmnt / 2U 120 5-15P 6' 4 (Expand to 32) 1 1 MP-S5139-125
Rckmnt / 2U 200-240 IEC-C14 6' 4 (Expand to 32) 1 1 MP-S5139-230
Expansion Module
Form Factor Type Input Voltage Connection Part Number
Card RS-232 NA 4X RS232 MP-DS74
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NPUT (Rated) Connection(s) OUTPUT (Rated) Connection(s)
Form Factor Voltage Current Phase Type Quan Length Voltage Current Phase Type Quan LCD/LED Part Number
iebert MP Advanced Power Strips (Monitoring)/MP-M Series
Rckmnt / 1U 120 15 1PH 5-15P 1 6' 120 15 1PH 5-15/20R 10 LCD MP-M5109
ckmnt / 1U 120 20 1PH 5-20P 1 6' 120 20 1PH 5-15/20R 10 LCD MP-M5110
Rckmnt / 1U 120 20 1PH L5-20P 1 6' 120 20 1PH 5-15/20R 10 LCD MP-M5111
ckmnt / 1U 120 30 1PH L5-30P 1 6' 120 30 1PH 5-15/20R 10 LCD MP-M5112
ckmnt / 1U 200-240 20 1PH L6-20P 1 6' 200-240 20 1PH IEC-C13 10 LCD MP-M5113
Rckmnt / 1U 200-240 30 1PH L6-30P 1 6' 200-240 30 1PH IEC-C13 10 LCD MP-M5114
ert / 33.25" 120 15 1PH 5-15P 1 10' 120 15 1PH 5-15/20R 12 LCD MP-M5115
Vert / 33.25" 120 20 1PH 5-20P 1 10' 120 20 1PH 5-15/20R 12 LCD MP-M5116
ert / 33.25" 120 20 1PH L5-20P 1 10' 120 20 1PH 5-15/20R 12 LCD MP-M5117
Vert. / 50.75" 120 20 1PH 5-20P 1 10' 120 20 1PH 5-15/20R 24 LCD MP-M5118
ert. / 50.75" 120 20 1PH L5-20P 1 10' 120 20 1PH 5-15/20R 24 LCD MP-M5034
Vert. / 50.75" 120 30 1PH L5-30P 1 10' 120 30 1PH 5-15/20R 24 LCD MP-M5035
Vert. / 57.75" 200-240 20 1PH L6-20P 1 10' 200-240 20 1PH IEC-C13 24 LCD MP-M5036
Vert. / 57.75" 200-240 30 1PH L6-30P 1 10' 200-240 30 1PH IEC-C13 24 LCD MP-M5037
Vert. / 68.25" 120/208 20 3PH L21-20P 1 10' 208 & 120 20 1PH IEC-C13+5-20R 24+2 LED MP-M5119
Liebert MP Advanced Power Strips (Controlled)/MP-C Series
Rckmnt / 1U 120 15 1PH 5-15P 1 6' 120 15 1PH 5-15/20R 8 LCD / LED MP-C5120
Rckmnt / 1U 120 20 1PH 5-20P 1 6' 120 20 1PH 5-15/20R 8 LCD / LED MP-C5121
Rckmnt / 1U 120 20 1PH L5-20P 1 6' 120 20 1PH 5-15/20R 8 LCD / LED MP-C5122
Rckmnt / 1U 120 30 1PH L5-30P 1 6' 120 30 1PH 5-15/20R 8 LCD / LED MP-C5123
Rckmnt / 1U 200-240 20 1PH L6-20P 1 6' 200-240 20 1PH IEC-C13 8 LCD / LED MP-C5124
Rckmnt / 1U 200-240 30 1PH L6-30P 1 6' 200-240 30 1PH IEC-C13 8 LCD / LED MP-C5125
Vert. / 68.25" 120 20 1PH 5-20P 1 10' 120 20 1PH 5-15/20R 20+1 LCD / LED MP-C5147
Vert. / 68.25" 120 20 1PH L5-20P 1 10' 120 20 1PH 5-15/20R 20+1 LCD / LED MP-C5148
t. / 68.25"
120 30 1PH L5-30P 1 10' 120 30 1PH 5-15/20R 20+1 LCD / LED MP-C5131
t. / 68.25"
200-240 20 1PH L6-20P 1 10' 200-240 20 1PH IEC-C13 20+1 LCD / LED MP-C5132
Vert. / 68.25" 200-240 30 1PH L6-30P 1 10' 200-240 30 1PH IEC-C13 20+1 LCD / LED MP-C5133
Vert. / 68.25" 120/208 20 3PH L21-20P 1 10' 120 20 1PH 5-15/20R 21 LCD / LED MP-C5134
Vert. / 68.25" 120/208 20 3PH L21-20P 1 10' 208 20 3PH/1PH
NEMA L21-20 + IEC320 C13
1 + 18
LCD / LED MP-C5135
Vert. / 68.25" 120/208 30 3PH L21-30P 1 10' 208 30 3PH/1PH
NEMA L21-20 + IEC320 C13
1 + 18
LCD / LED MP-C5136
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