Versatile Interface Board
Appendix C.1.2 VIB Features
The VIB provides fully isolated inputs and outputs that operate on a wide range of voltages for maxi-
mum flexibility. Each I/O is programmed to perform a dedicated function. The specific function of
each I/O is listed below in Table 34.
For reference, the I/O designations are shown in Figure 117. The number of each I/O is also labeled
on the circuit board.
Table 34 VIB I/O functions
I/O Interface VIB Designation Description
1 Output 1
Mode = Off (RPM < 200)
2 Output 2 Startup Mode = Startup (200 < RPM < 25000)
3 Output 3 Charge Mode = Charge (RPM > 25000)
4 Output 4 SOC >= 0% State of Charge >= 0%
5 Output 5 SOC >= 12.5% State of Charge >= 12.5%
6 Output 6 SOC >= 25% State of Charge >= 25%
7 Output 7 SOC >= 37.5% State of Charge >= 37.5%
8 Output 8 SOC >= 50% State of Charge >= 50%
9 Output 9 SOC >= 62.5% State of Charge >= 62.5%
10 Output 10 SOC >= 75% State of Charge >= 75%
11 Output 11 SOC >= 87.5% State of Charge >= 87.5%
12 Output 12 Ready Mode = Ready (SOC >= 99%)
13 Output 13 Discharge Mode = Discharge
14 Output 14 Shutdown Mode = Shutdown
15 Output 15 Warning Mode = Warning
16 Output 16 Fault Mode = Fault
17 Input 1
Start Command Issued
18 Input 2
Shutdown Command Issued
19 Input 3 Clear Fault Clear Fault Command Issued
20 Output 17 Rotor Temp Rotor Temp High
1. The “OFF” signal is also used to indicate if the temperature of the rotor is too warm. If the “OFF” output is asserted while any
of the other “Mode” outputs are asserted (STARTUP, CHARGE, SHUTDOWN, DISCHARGE) or while the State of Charge is
>= 0%, then the rotor is too warm and must cool before charge resumes.
2. “START” and “SHUTDOWN” inputs are mutually exclusive. If they are asserted simultaneously, both will be ignored.