Manual Supplement
00809-0500-4530, Rev AA
October 2010
Rosemount 5300/5400 Series
Verify Alarm Output To verify the Alarm Output, use RRM to simulate a device failure:
1. Establish HART communication with the transmitter through RRM.
2. Select Simulation Mode in the Tools menu.
3. Click Enable Device Failure Alarm (simulated).
4. Click the Start button.
5. Disconnect HART modem.
6. Verify that the configured alarm output is available in the Modbus host.
7. Use RRM to turn off simulation mode.
Use status information to
evaluate measurement
The transmitter updates status information about the current measurement,
and this status information is available as a bitfield register through Modbus
By monitoring the status information it is possible to determine if the current
measurement output value is valid. See “Common Modbus Host
Configuration” on page 1-25 for details about the individual status bits.
Use Heartbeat to detect
By reading and evaluating the Heartbeat value from the device, it is possible
to verify that the communication link between the transmitter, HMC, RTU and
even the control system communicating with the RTU is working.
Assign Heartbeat to one of the transmitter variables (SV, TV, or QV).
Heartbeat is increased by one for each measurement cycle in the device (until
it eventually starts over at zero again).
In case this value is not updated, it means that the communication link is