
Internal battery
+ 4 External
Battery Cabinets
10 790 627 483 330
20 494 371 303 204
30 360 264 221 148
40 283 204 174 116
50 233 167 143 95
60 198 141 122 76
70 172 122 106 66
80 152 108 94 59
90 137 96 79 52
100 124 82 72 48
Internal battery
+ 5 External
Battery Cabinets
10 965 762 564 392
20 605 452 354 243
30 440 320 258 176
40 346 248 203 138
50 265 203 167 113
60 242 171 142 96
70 211 148 124 79
80 186 131 110 70
90 167 117 98 62
100 151 106 84 56
Internal battery
+ 6 External
Battery Cabinets
10 1140 897 644 454
20 714 531 405 281
30 520 377 295 204
40 408 292 232 160
50 337 239 191 131
60 286 202 163 112
70 249 175 142 97
80 220 154 125 81
90 197 138 112 72
100 179 124 102 65
Run times are in minutes, assume fully charged batteries and are typical at 77°F (25°C) with resistive loads.
Table 8 Liebert PSI XR battery run times (continued)
Number of Batteries Load % 1000 1500 2200 3000