
600 Cecil Street, Buchanan, Michigan 49107
© Electro-Voice, Inc. 1997
Litho in U.S.A. Part Number 534268  9711
The TL606DW can also be successfully oper-
ated away from any nearby acoustic bound-
aries, particularly when multiple systems are
used for increased output ability (see Use in
Multiples section).
The TL606DW is designed for typical cinema
stage (behind-the-screen) applications where
low-frequency systems are mounted on plat-
forms, behind the screen and some distance
above the stage floor. The TL606DW is not
designed to be self-suspended, and if sus-
pended, must be supported and hung in a
way which does not depand on the struc-
ture of the TL606DW itself for support.
The HS6 and HS7 kits allow the TL606DW to
be hung safely in a variety of orientations. The
combination of the correct HS kits and TL606DW
enclosure has been certified by an indepen-
dent structural engineer to be safe and secure.
Each HS kit consists of a steel tube, two
brackets, two eyebolts and the necessary fas-
teners. The installer must assemble the HS kit
by first drilling two holes into the TL606DW
enclosure, in predefined positions, and then
screwing the brackets onto the steel tube,
which passes through the enclosure. An eye-
bolt is inserted in the T-nut in the rear panel of
the enclosure to provide a pull up to aim the
enclosure. Full instructions and hole locations
are included with each cabinet and HS kit. A
TL606DW requires a single HS6 to suspend it
horizontally, or a single HS7 to suspend it
vertically. Electro-Voice recommends that only
one TL606DW be suspended at one time in this
manner. Vertical is defined as having the long
side vertical. Full attention must be given to
the instructions and limitations in the HS kit
instruction sheet.
The TL606DW was designed to be used with
Electro-Voice TransPlanar
horns, DH series
compression drivers and accessories to form
passive, 500 Hz crossover systems that may
be easily and quickly assembled and installed.
A 500-Hz passive crossover, the XEQ-504,
directly replaces the TL606DWs input panel.
Mounting kits, the HMK-1 and HMK-2, provide
the necessary hardware and accessories to
mount the HP940/DH1A and HP9040/DH1A
horn/driver combinations, respectively, to the
TL606DW box. Steel threaded inserts are pro-
vided on the top panel of the box to accommo-
date mounting kits for both horn combinations.
The loudspeaker system shall consist of two
380-mm (15-in.) very-low-frequency reproduc-
ers installed in a vented enclosure. The frame
of the reproducer shall be manufactured of cast
aluminum, and its magnetic assembly shall
utilize a ferrite magnet. In addition, an alumi-
num ring encircling both the voice coil and pole
piece shall act to reduce flux modulation. A
second aluminum ring mounted to the top of the
pole piece shall act as a control on drive
inductance and provide a heat-transfer path
from the top of the voice coil. The inner surface
of the top plate shall be coated with PROTEF
a Teflon
-based coating used for prevention of
damage to the voice coil.
Performance specifications of a typical produc-
tion unit shall be as follows: measured sensitiv-
ity (SPL at 1 m on axis with 1 W input, swept
100-800 Hz) shall be at least 100 dB SPL;
usable frequency range shall extend from 30
Hz to 3,500 Hz; nominal impedance shall be 4
ohms; rated power handling capacity shall be
at least 800 watts, conforming to EIA standard
The enclosure shall be solidly constructed of
19-mm (
/4-in.) stock with all joints tightly fitted
and glued. Overall dimensions shall be no
greater than 100.3 cm (39.5 in.) high by 57.2 cm
(22.5 in.) wide by 44.7 cm (17.6 in.) deep.
Finish shall be black vinyl with leatherette
pattern. An independently certified suspension
kit shall be available to suspend the TL606DW
horizontally (model HS6) or vertically (model
HS7). Internal
/4-20 threaded fasteners pro-
vide a method of mounting high-frequency
devices to the system. The system shall be the
Electro-Voice TL606DW.
WARRANTY (Limited)
Electro-Voice products are guaranteed against
malfunction due to defects in materials or work-
manship for a specified period, as noted in the
individual product-line statement(s) below, or
in the individual product data sheet or owners
manual, beginning with the date of original
purchase. If such malfunction occurs during
the specified period, the product will be re-
paired or replaced (at our option) without charge.
The product will be returned to the customer
prepaid. Exclusions and Limitations: The
Limited Warranty does not apply to: (a) exterior
finish or appearance; (b) certain specific items
described in the individual product-line
statement(s) below, or in the individual product
data sheet or owners manual; (c) malfunction
resulting from use or operation of the product
other than as specified in the product data
sheet or owners manual; (d) malfunction re-
sulting from misuse or abuse of the product; or
(e) malfunction occurring at any time after
repairs have been made to the product by
anyone other than Electro-Voice or any of its
authorized service representatives. Obtaining
Warranty Service: To obtain warranty service,
a customer must deliver the product, prepaid,
to Electro-Voice or any of its authorized service
representatives together with proof of purchase
of the product in the form of a bill of sale or
receipted invoice. A list of authorized service
representatives is available from Electro-Voice
at 600 Cecil Street, Buchanan, MI 49107 (616/
695-6831) and/or Electro-Voice West, at 8234
Doe Avenue, Visalia, CA 93291 (209/651-7777).
Incidental and Consequential Damages Ex-
cluded: Product repair or replacement and
return to the customer are the only remedies
provided to the customer. Electro-Voice shall
not be liable for any incidental or consequential
damages including, without limitation, injury to
persons or property or loss of use. Some states
do not allow the exclusion or limitation of inci-
dental or consequential damages so the above
limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
Other Rights: This warranty gives you specific
legal rights, and you may also have other rights
which vary from state to state.
Electro-Voice Speakers and Speaker Sys-
tems are guaranteed against malfunction due
to defects in materials or workmanship for a
period of five (5) years from the date of original
purchase. The Limited Warranty does not ap-
ply to burned voice coils or malfunctions such
as cone and/or coil damage resulting from
improperly designed enclosures. Electro-Voice
active electronics associated with the speaker
systems are guaranteed for three (3) years
from the date of original purchase. Additional
details are included in the Uniform Limited
Warranty statement.
Service and repair address for this product:
Electro-Voice, Inc., 600 Cecil Street, Bucha-
nan, Michigan 49107.
Specifications subject to change without no-
1. Telflon
is a registered trademark of DuPont.