14 – VR21 and VR51
Usually, your EAW Commercial loudspeaker will not require regular maintenance for
normal use. However, you can do several things to keep your loudspeaker in good operating
and cosmetic condition.
• Testing: Periodically test your loudspeaker for proper performance. A simple test is
to play a CD through it using well-dened, articulate, wide-range program material.
Listen to ensure all drivers are working properly and for any evidence of distortion or
other extraneous sounds. Test at several volume levels: very low, normal, and high.
• Mounting/Rigging: Any mounting or rigging hardware should be regularly inspected
for security, wear, deformation, corrosion, and any other circumstances that may
affect the load-handling capability. Immediately remove from service and replace any
hardware whose load-handling capability may be compromised.
• Cleaning: Cleaning the exterior of the enclosure will depend on the type of “dirt.”
Dust, food spills, or similar contaminants can usually be removed with a cloth
dampened with water, or a mild household cleaner. Avoid using any strong solvents
as this may damage the nish. Turn the ampliers off before cleaning.
• Scratches or Dents in Wood Enclosures: Minor scratches on the enclosure can be
painted over with an outdoor latex paint, or simply a colored in with a “Sharpie” or
artist’s marking pen. More serious gouges or dents should be sanded out, lled with
wood putty, and repainted. Touch-up paint in pints and quarts is available through
EAW Commercial Technical Support.
If your loudspeaker should require servicing, please follow these instructions:
1. Call EAW Commercial Tech Support at 1-888-337-7404, 7 am to 5 pm PST
(Monday-Friday), to verify the problem and obtain a Service Request Number. Be sure
to have the serial number of the unit when you call. You must have a Service Request
Number in order to obtain warranty service at the factory or at an authorized service
center. You can also email EAW Commercial Tech Support at:
2. Pack the unit in its original packaging. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. LOUD Technologies
is not responsible for any damage that occurs during shipping due to non-
conventional packaging. Original packaging helps to minimize the possibility of
shipping damage.
3. Include a legible note stating your name, (no P.O. boxes), daytime phone number,
Service Request Number, and a detailed description of the problem, including how
we can duplicate it.
4. Write the Service Request Number in BIG BOLD PRINT on top of the box.