
Below are the five WAN types and the fields required to implement them:
1. Static IP Address
Enter the proper setting provided by your ISP for the following fields:
WAN IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, Primary and Secondary DNS
2. Dynamic IP Address
Host Name: optional. Required by some ISPs, for example, @Home.
Renew IP Forever: this feature enables the DI-704P to renew the IP
address automatically when the lease time is expired even if the system
is in an idle state.
3. PPP over Ethernet
PPPoE Account and Password: the account and password your ISP
assigned to you. If you don't want to change the password, leave the
password field blank.
PPPoE Service Name: (optional) Input the service name if your ISP
requires it.
Maximum Idle Time: set the length of “no activity” time at which to
disconnect your PPPoE session. Setting it to “0” will disable this
4. Dial-up Network
Dial-up Telephone, Account and Password: assigned by your ISP. If you
don't want to change the password, keep it empty.
Primary and Secondary DNS: automatically assigned if they are
configured as ""
Maximum Idle Time: the length of “no activity” time at which to
disconnect your dial-up session.
Baud Rate: the communication speed between the DI-704P and your
Extra Setting: needed to optimize the communication quality between
the ISP and your MODEM or ISDN TA