1260Ef Owner’s Manual
Workout guidelines (continued)
If exercise intensity is too low or too high, no gains will be made in fitness. If the inten-
sity is too low, the stress levels are ineffective. If the intensity is too high, injury or
fatigue may set your exercise program back as you try to recover.
The best way to monitor exercise intensity is to accurately count your pulse during exer-
cise. Your heart rate can easily be determined by counting your pulse at the chest, wrist
or at the carotid artery on your neck. It is difficult to count your own pulse during exer-
cise, mainly because you cannot count fast enough to get an accurate number. The
1260Ef is equipped with a wireless telemetry receiving system. What it does is automat-
ically count your heart rate while you are wearing a heart rate chest belt during your
exercising period. Heart rate is monitored and electronically displayed as a digital read-
out. Your target heart rate, the intensity needed to improve cardiovascular fitness,
depends primarily on your age and not your state of fitness. It is calculated as a percent-
age of your maximum heart rate, estimated as 220 minus your age. It is most effective
to train at your target heart rate between 60% and 85% of your maximum heart rate.
Maximum Heart Rate & Training Zone
To calculate your maximum heart rate and find your training zone, use the following for-
mula. An example has been provided below based for a 35-year –old person:
220 – Age = Maximum Heart Rate (220 – 35 = 185)
60% of Maximum Heart Rate (60% x 185 = 111bpm)
85% of Maximum Heart Rate (85% x 185 = 157bpm)
Training Zone: 111bpm – 157bpm
Quantity & Quality
It is recommended that you accumulate at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days
of the week. Physical activity should be initiated slowly and the intensity should be
increased gradually. You should select activities that you enjoy and can fit into your
daily life. Having Diamondback equipment at home certainly gives you the comfortable
and convenient workout you want.
The American College of Sports Medicine makes the following recommendations for the
quantity and quality of training for developing and maintaining cardio respiratory fit-
ness in healthy adults:
• An activity that uses large muscle groups, maintained continuously, and is
rhythmical and aerobic in nature.
• Duration: 20 to 60 minutes of continuous aerobic activity, including a warm-up
and cool-down period for each exercise session.
• Frequency: 3 to 5 times per week.
• Intensity: 60% to 85% of maximum heart rate.
• In addition to aerobic exercise, it is recommended that you add strength training
of moderate intensity twice per week to your program.
Get a smart start on exercising.
Anyone over the age of 35, as well as younger persons whom are overweight, should
check with his/her physician before beginning any type of exercise program. People
who have diabetes or high blood pressure, a family history of heart disease, high
cholesterol or have lead a sedentary lifestyle should protect themselves with a med-
ical check-up and a stress test, preferably administered during exercise by a health-
care professional.
Heart Rate Guidelines
60% - 85% Maximum Target
Ages in years
▲ = 85% ■ = 60%
Heart rate bar graph
Always enter your age into
the console before you exer-
cise to keep the % of your
maximum heart rate accu-
rate. Use the heart rate bar
graph to better monitor your
maximum heart rate during
Typical Target Zone Exercise
Patterns for 35 year-old
60% of
Maximum Attainable Heart Rate
85% of Maximum
Resting Warm-up
5 Minutes
20-30 Minutes
of Exercise
5 Minutes
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