which might have been avoid ed if the rider had worn an
WARNING: Failure to wear a helmet when riding may result
in serious injury or death.
Always do the Mechanical Safety Check (Section 1.C)
before you get on a bike.
Be thoroughly familiar with the controls of your bicycle:
brakes (Section 4.A) and pedals (Section 4.C).
Be careful to keep body parts and other objects
away from the sharp teeth of chainrings; the moving chain;
the turning pedals and cranks; and the spinning wheels of
• Shoes that will stay on your feet and will grip the pedals.
Never ride barefoot or while wearing sandals.
• Bright, visible clothing that is not so loose that it can be
tangled in the bicycle or snagged by objects at the side of
• Protective eyewear, to protect against airborne dirt,
dust and bugs — tinted when the sun is bright, clear when
Ride at a speed appropriate for conditions. In creased
Before you attempt to jump, do stunt riding or race with
your bike, read and understand Section 2.G. Down hill, Stunt or
Observe all local bicycle laws and regulations. Observe
reg u la tions about licensing of bicycles, riding on sidewalks, laws
regulating bike path and trail use, and so on. Observe helmet
laws and special bicycle traf c laws. It’s your responsibility to
the suspension responds to brake application and rider weight
shifts. See paragraph B.5 above and Section 4.F.
Check out the handling and response of the bike; and
If you have any questions, or if you feel anything about the
bike is not as it should be, take the bike back to your dealer
WARNING: Many states require speci c safety devices.
It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the laws of
the state where you ride and to comply with all ap pli ca ble
laws, including properly equipping yourself and your bike as
An important note to parents:
Appendix A of this Manual
contains some rules and lessons which adults are already
expected to know, but which children need to be taught
and to have frequently re in forced. Please take the time
to familiarize yourself with Appendix A as well as with the
information below, and to teach these rules to your child
before you let your child ride unsupervised.
Always wear a cy cling helmet which
meets the latest cer ti ca tion standards and
is ap pro pri ate for the type of riding you do.
follow the helmet man u fac tur er’s
in struc tions for t, use and care of your helmet.
Most serious bicycle injuries involve head injuries