User Instructions
ISSUE 1 User Instruction
AUGUST 2003 Page 26
FEM quantifies damage to frame uprights and bracing as either Green, Orange or Red risk.
These rules only apply to damage that produces an overall bend in a component. They do not
apply to highly localised damage such as dents, buckles , tears and splits.
Bends are judged against a 1000mm straight edge, localised bends over a shorter length should
be judged pro-rata, i.e. over a half metre length half the limit applies.
Members subjected to tears and splits should always be replaced.
Method of measuring damage:
1. A 1000mm steel straight edge is placed against the flat surface on the concave side of the
damaged component such that the damaged area lies equidistant from both ends.
2. For an upright bent in the direction of the rack beams, the maximum gap should not exceed
3. For an upright bent in the direction of the frame bracing, the maximum gap should not
exceed 3mm.
4. For an upright that has been damaged in both directions, the damage shall be measured
and treated separately and the appropriate limits observed.
5. For bracing members bent in either plane, the maximum gap should not exceed 10mm.
Pro-rata for bracing members less than 1000mm long.