Bluetooth Manager
Product Reference Guide 2-7
The icons displayed in the taskbar at the bottom of your Falcon’s screen will
show you the state of the Bluetooth connection, as shown in Tabl e 2-2.
Table 2-2. Bluetooth taskbar icons
The Settings tab allows you to enable or disable the Bluetooth radio and spec-
ify settings for Incoming Connections.
Tappi ng
Find Me will make the Falcon available to other Bluetooth devices for
60 seconds, allowing them to set up a connection.
Apply to apply the settings you have selected.
Icon Name Description
Disabled Icon Indicates that the Bluetooth has been disabled.
Unpaired Icon
Indicates that the Bluetooth radio is on but the device is
currently not paired to another.
Paired Icon
Indicates that the Bluetooth radio is on and the device is
paired with at least one other device.
Indicates that the device is discoverable by other Bluetooth