as the figure below
insert a Mini SD card into the card slot :
If the operation system of your computer is Window 98,
installed the supplied Window 98 Driver in the supplier
CD to your computer as:
W IN9 8 Driv er
Battery Indicator
= Battery full power.
= Battery empty, connect the unit to the computer for recharging. It would take about 4 hours
to fully recharge the battery. During charging, you can playback the music, videos or photos at the
same time.
Transferring Files
Before you getting start to playback music, videos or photos, you should transfer those files into the
player as:
1. Connect the player to the computer by the supplied USB connection cable.
2. Download the specific files into the player as download the files to others portable device.
3. After downloaded, disconnect the unit from computer.
~ All the downloaded files in this setting will stored in the Root Directory in the player. You can
also to created the new folders by yourself as desire.
1. Insert the supplied installation CD into the CD Drive
in your computer; the List of Folders in the CD will appear
on the computer’ s screen automatically.
3. Selected and double click “ Msien.exe” and follow the on-screen instructions to install the software.
2. Selected the “ WIN 98 DRIVER” and enter.
This unit support Mini SD Memory Card ( for extending the memories
Mini SD card
Up to 4GB, Cards not included)