Chapter 1 Introduction
Compaq iPAQ Family of Internet Devices
First Edition – March 2000
Table 1-1.
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronym/Abbreviation Description
DIMM dual inline memory module
DIN Deutche IndustriNorm (connector standard)
DIP dual inline package
DMA direct memory access
DMI Desktop management interface
dpi dots per inch
DRAM dynamic random access memory
DRQ data request
EDID extended display identification data
EDO extended data out (RAM type)
EEPROM electrically eraseable PROM
EGA enhanced graphics adapter
EIA Electronic Industry Association
EISA extended ISA
EPP enhanced parallel port
EIDE enhanced IDE
ESCD Extended System Configuration Data (format)
EV Environmental Variable (data)
ExCA Exchangeable Card Architecture
FIFO first in / first out
FL flag (register)
FM frequency modulation
FPM fast page mode (RAM type)
FPU Floating point unit (numeric or math coprocessor)
FPS Frames per second
ft foot
GB gigabyte
GMCH Graphics/memory controller hub
GND ground
GPIO general purpose I/O
GPOC general purpose open-collector
GART Graphics address re-mapping table
GUI graphics user interface
h hexadecimal
HW hardware
hex hexadecimal
Hz hertz
ICH I/O controller hub
IDE integrated drive element
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IF interrupt flag
I/F interface
in inch
INT interrupt
I/O input/output
IPL initial program loader
IrDA InfraRed Data Association
IRQ interrupt request
ISA industry standard architecture
JEDEC Joint Electron Device Engineering Council
Kb / KB kilobits / kilobytes (x 1024 bits / x 1024 bytes)
Kb/s kilobits per second
kg kilogram
KHz kilohertz
kv kilovolt