Chapter 9 Media Server
9.1 Supported Media Server
˙WMP11(Windows Media Player 11) (Windows XP SP2 / Vista Premium 32 Bits)
˙Rhapsody URL:http://www.rhapsody.com/welcome.html
˙TwonkyMedia URL:http://www.twonkyvision.com/
˙MediaTumb (Linux Platform) URL:http://mediatomb.cc/
NOTE: To make TwonkyMedia works properly, ID3v2 must be edited.
9.2 Setting Upnp Environment
˙Before you use your PC as a media server, make sure your PC (or the media server
you try to connect) has WMP11 (Windows Media Player 11) installed. Each media
server has to have its WMP11 installed.
˙Usually, the default of your PC firewall is to block unnecessary connections. Make
sure Upnp function is enabled on your PC (media server.)
˙Disable Proxy function in your system.
9.2.1 UPnP Networked Environment Diagram
˙Please connect this system and UPnP Media Server on the same local LAN, and
make sure the network setting is correct.
˙The UPnP networked environment diagram is as follows.