Filters Sets, Eyepiece - Celestron offers four convenient filter sets, which contain four different filters per set. Not only are
these highly useful filter combinations, but they also offer an economical way to add versatility to your filter collection.
Series 1 – #94119-10
Orange, Light Blue, ND13%T, Polarizing (#s 21, 80A, #15, Polarizing)
Series 2 – #94119-20
Deep Yellow, Red, Light Green, ND25% T (#s 12, 25, 56, 96ND-25)
Series 3 – #94119-30
Light Red, Blue, Green, ND50% T (#s 23A, 38A, 58, 96ND-50)
Series 4 – #94119-40
Yellow, Deep Yellow, Violet, Pale Blue (#s 8, 47, 82A, 96ND-13)
Flashlight, Night Vision - (#93588) - Celestron’s premium model for
astronomy, using two red LED's to preserve night vision better than red filters or other devices. Brightness is adjustable.
Operates on a single 9 volt battery (included).
Light Pollution Reduction (LPR) Filters (#94123) - These filters are designed to enhance your views of deep sky
astronomical objects when viewed from urban areas. LPR Filters selectively reduce the transmission of certain wavelengths
of light, specifically those produced by artificial lights. This includes mercury and high and low pressure sodium vapor
lights. In addition, they also block unwanted natural light (sky glow) caused by neutral oxygen emission in our atmosphere.
Moon Filter (#94119-A) - Celestron’s Moon Filter is an economical eyepiece filter for reducing the brightness of the moon
and improving contrast, so greater detail can be observed on the lunar surface. The clear aperture is 21mm and the
transmission is about 18%.
Motor Drive (#93514) - Allows telescopes to track the motion of the sky once the telescope is polar aligned.
This model is a single axis (R.A.), DC motor drive. It is powered by two 9-volt alkaline batteries which lasts up to 40 hours.
A speed rate regulator is included to adjust the speed slightly faster or slower.
Peterson First Guides® - Astronomy (#93728)
A simplified field guide to the stars, the planets and the universe featuring full color maps showing the positions of the stars
throughout the year. This useful guide also includes beautiful constellation paintings, photographs, and clear, concise
descriptions of stars, the planets, the sun, the moon, comets, black holes, galaxies and more.
Polarizing Filter Set (#93608) - The polarizing filter set limits the transmission of light to a specific plane, thus increasing
contrast between various objects. This is used primarily for terrestrial, lunar and planetary observing.
Sky Maps (#93722) - Celestron Sky Maps are the ideal teaching guide for learning the night sky. You
wouldn’t set off on a road trip without a road map, and you don’t need to try to navigate the night sky
without a map either. Even if you already know your way around the major constellations, these maps
can help you locate all kinds of fascinating objects.
Solar Filters, 80mm (#94135) - Celestron Solar Filters are made with Baader Astro Solar™ Safety
Film. Far superior than any existing glass, Mylar or polymer filters, they lead to brighter, sharper, and
higher contrast images. The Sun appears in its “real ”color —neutral white, not blue or orange ,and the
sky adjacent to the solar limb is jet black. You can see detail in sunspots, bright faculae near the limb and the mottled areas
known as granules with these filters. The Sun offers constant changes and will keep your observing interesting and fun. Even
small aperture telescopes can enjoy features of the Sun.
T-Adapter (#93625) - T-Adapter (with additional T-Ring) allows you to attach your SLR camera to the rear cell of your
Celestron telescope. This turns your telescope into a high power telephoto lens perfect for terrestrial photography and short
exposure lunar and filtered solar photography.
A full description of all Celestron accessories can be found in the Celestron Accessory Catalog (#93685) or web site