7 If Something Doesn’t Work
Calling Problems 79
Quick Reference Guide
Calls are answered
If Automatic System Answer and/or Direct Extension Dial
is turned on, turn it off.
If an auxiliary device (fax, modem, voice messaging
system, answering machine) answers when it should not;
• Check the device and adjust it to answer on a later
ring or turn off auto-answer.
• Set the extension’s Line Ringing to Delayed Ring.
Auxiliary device
doesn’t answer
Device may not recognize the system ringing pattern:
• Change the extension’s ring pattern by using
Distinctive Ring (#308).
• Change the setting for Intercom Dial Tone (#309) to
Machine; the system will generate an outside dial
tone for the extension.
Trouble hearing the
person you called
If you are using a speakerphone, try turning it off.
If you have touch-tone dialing, you may have a faulty
telephone or cord.
If you have rotary dialing, the Rotary Dialing Timeout
(#108) interval is too long; reset it.
Automatically dialed
calls beginning with
star codes are
Setting may not be inserting a long enough pause; use
Star Code Dial Delay (#410) to increase setting.
Recall feature isn’t
Increase Recall Timer Duration (#107) by 100
milliseconds. If using the feature disconnects the call,
decrease Recall Timer Duration by 100 milliseconds.
Calling Problems–Continued
Problem... Check this...