
Caller ID
Press and hold MUTE/DELETE on the cordless handset or X/DELETE
on the telephone base to erase the entire entry.
Press and hold REDIAL/PAUSE to insert a three-second dialing pause
(a p appears).
4. Press MENU/SELECT to move to the name. The screen displays EDIT NAME.
• Use the dial pad keys (see page 45) to add characters.
• Press qCID or pDIR on a cordless handset, or press q/CIDCID or p/DIRDIR
on the telephone base to move the cursor to the left and right.
• Press MUTE/DELETE on the cordless handset or X/DELETE on the
telephone base to erase a letter.
• Press and hold MUTE/DELETE on the cordless handset or X/DELETE
on the telephone base to erase all letters.
5. Press MENU/SELECT when done and the screen shows Saved.
If the entry is already saved in the directory, Already saved displays.
NOTE: You might need to change how a caller ID number is dialed if the entry does not
appear in the correct format. Caller ID numbers might appear with an area code that
might not be necessary for local calls, or without a 1 that might be necessary for long
distance calls (see View dialing options on page 55).
Caller ID operation