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R/C Manual
3.2.7 Control/Display Panel
This area of the 1788A-R’s front panel replicates the 1788A’s local control and display
panel. It gives you the exact look of the selected 1788A’s function status lights and meters.
Metering data streamed back from the selected 1788A is displayed on the bargraphs
approximately in real time. Because of high speed networking, indicator latency is
Taking Control
To control a specific mic channel, press its Channel Select button. All functions are now
controllable by the 1788A-R’s panel controls. You can choose Multiple Select and press
any combination of Channel Select buttons to add to or remove from the group. All
grouped channels will now come under influence of the controls.
Refer to the 1788A Instruction manual for more information about group behavior of
the Gain controls.
3.2.8 Preset Manager Panel
The handling of presets has been made very simple and intuitive for the
1788A-R. Basically, you can take a snapshot of the bank of 1788A’s and
store it into a bin. You can lock the bin to protect it from alteration or loss,
and you can edit the bin. Finally, you can recall a preset and “Load” it out
to all 1788A’s in the Bank.
Selection of a storage bin is made by the Select dial. Turning this dial
changes the number seen in the right half of the numeric LED display
window. To recall the selected preset bin, updating all 1788A’s in the Bank, simply press
the Load button.
Taking a snapshot is our vernacular for capturing a preset. Snapshots are of the whole
Bank as it is defined at that moment. In other words, if only three 1788A’s are placed in
the 1788A-R’s Bank, then only the three preamps will be snapped.
When you dial up snapshot numbers, the “Protect” LED will tell you if it has been
protected. If so, you cannot erase or overwrite it. You can recall and edit it but it will have
to be saved to an unprotected bin. You can protect and unprotect any snapshot using the
Protect/Unprotect button.
Snapshot bins do not have to be empty before they can take another snapshot. They
can be overwritten. However, to get rid of junk or obsolete presets, you can erase them
so they will be read as “empty”. This makes for better housekeeping. Any unprotected
snapshot can be emptied by pressing the Erase button once. Empty bins are indicated by
the “Empty” LED.
Loading a Snapshot
This is our vernacular for recalling a preset. Any selected snapshot, whether protected or
not, can be Loaded to the bank of 1788A’s. Simply select the snapshot number in the right
side of the window labeled “Next”, and press the Load button. When the snapshot is