
212 Invalid Preignition time setting 1. Return to Conguration mode and recheck
selected parameters, reverify and reset module.
2. If fault repeats, verify electrical grounding.
3. If fault repeats, replace module.
213 Invalid Prepurge rate setting L
214 Invalid Prepurge time setting L
215 Invalid Purge rate proving setting L
216 Invalid Run ame failure response setting L
217 Invalid Run stabilization time setting L
218 Invalid Stack limit enable setting L
219 Invalid Stack limit response setting L
220 Uncongured Delta T limit setpoint setting L
221 Uncongured DHW high limit setpoint setting L
222 Uncongured Outlet high limit setpoint setting L
223 Uncongured Stack limit setpoint setting L
224 Invalid DHW demand source setting L
225 Invalid Flame threshold setting L
226 Invalid Outlet high limit setpoint setting L
227 Invalid DHW high limit setpoint setting L
228 Invalid Stack limit setpoint setting L
229 Invalid Modulation output setting L
230 Invalid CH demand source setting L
231 Invalid Delta T limit delay setting L
232 Invalid Pressure sensor type setting L
233 Invalid IAS closed response setting L
234 Invalid Outlet high limit enable setting Contact the service professional. L
235 Invalid Outlet connector type setting Contact the service professional. L
236 Invalid Inlet connector type setting Contact the service professional. L
237 Invalid DHW connector type setting Contact the service professional. L
238 Invalid Stack connector type setting Contact the service professional. L
239 Invalid S2 (J8-6) connector type setting Contact the service professional. L
240 Invalid S5 (J8-11) connector type setting Contact the service professional. L
241 Exchanger sensor not allowed with stack
connector setting
Not Applicable. L
242 Invalid DHW auto detect conguration Not Applicable. L
243 Invalid UV with spark interference not compatible
with Ignitor on throughout PFEP
Contact the service professional. L
244 Internal fault: Safety relay test invalid state Contact the service professional. L
245 Invalid Outlet connector type setting for Trise Contact the service professional. L
246 4-20mA cannot be used for both modulation and
setpoint control
Contact the service professional. L
247 Invalid ILK bounce detection enable Not Applicable. L
248 Invalid forced recycle interval Not Applicable. L
249 STAT cannot be demand source when Remote
Stat is enabled
Not Applicable. L
250 Invalid Fan speed error response 1. Check fan cables secured properly. If fault
persists contact the service professional.
251-255 RESERVED