AUG-2.3-103 Android User’s Guide
Camera 271
Opening Camera and taking pictures or videos 272
Changing Camera settings 275
Camera mode settings 276
Video mode settings 277
Gallery 279
Opening Gallery and viewing your albums 280
Working with albums 282
Working with pictures 286
Working with videos 290
YouTube 293
Opening YouTube and watching videos 294
Discovering videos 297
Rating and commenting on videos 299
Uploading and sharing videos 300
Working with playlists 302
Working with channels 303
Changing YouTube settings 304
Music 305
Transferring music files to your phone 306
Opening Music and working with your library 307
Playing music 309
Working with playlists 312
News & Weather 315
Checking the news and weather 316
Changing News & Weather settings 319
News & Weather settings 319
Weather settings 319
News settings 319
Refresh settings 320
Clock 321
Viewing the date, time, and other information 322
Setting alarms 324
Changing Clock alarm settings 326