
2. Failed drive motor contactor.
3. Failed drive motor.
4. Failed microprocessor controller (computer).
C. Drive motor operates in one direction only ... stops and restarts in same direction...
* Appropriate microprocessor controller (computer) relay output indicator
is on.
1. Failed reversing contactor (relay).
* Appropriate microprocessor controller (computer) relay output indicator is off.
1. Failed microprocessor controller (computer).
D. Drive motor operates okay for a few minutes, and then either repeatedly or occasionally trips the
overload protector...
NOTE: When the overload protector trips, the microprocessor controller (computer) L.E.D.
(light emitting diode) display will read "door."
1. Motor is overheating ...
a. Motor air vents clogged with lint.
b. Low voltage to the motor.
c. Failed motor.
d. Tumbler (basket) is binding ... check for obstruction.
e. Failed idler bearings or tumbler bearings.
f. V-belts are too tight.
2. Failed overload protector.
E. Impellor (fan) motor is not operating (does not start)...
* Microprocessor controller (computer) "MTR" relay output indicator is on.
1. Blown blower (impellor/fan) motor contactor fuse(s)/overload(s).
2. Failed blower (impellor/fan) motor contactor (relay)..
3. Failed blower (impellor/fan) motor.