No sound Is the amplifier power LED illuminated? 1. Check fuses in amplifier
2. Check turn-on lead
3. Check signal leads
4. Check gain control
5. Check source unit volume
6. Clean contacts on fuse holders
Is the amplifier overload LED illuminated? Check speaker for short or
amplifier for overheating
Check impedance with Ohm meter If no reading, replace speaker
Check that the speaker moves freely If speaker won’t move, replace speaker
Speaker is making a Check that speaker is secured properly Tighten mounting screws
rattling noise and tightened with screws
Check enclosure construction Check that the enclosure is debris free
Check speaker polarity Correct polarity
No sound from one coil Check speaker leads 1. Inspect for short circuits
2. Check for open connections
Reverse left and right speaker leads to
determine if it is occurring before the
Speaker is distorting at high Check speaker load impedance capabilities Confirm that the speaker load
volume levels for the amplifier impedance recommendations are
followed. Check the wiring
configuration of the speakers.
(To verify proper load impedance, use
an OHM meter to measure the total load
for each channel of the amplifier.
Verify that amplifier and/or crossover settings Select low-pass setting
are correct