ADAM-5000 4-23
Chapter 4
Analog output module calibration
The output current of analog output modules can be calibrated by
using a low calibration value and a high calibration value. The analog
output modules can be configured for one of two ranges: 0-20 mA and
4-20 mA. Since the low limit of the 0-20 mA range (0 mA) is internally
an absolute reference (no power or immeasurably small power), just
two levels are needed for calibration: 4 mA and 20 mA.
1. Apply power to the ADAM-5510/P31 system including the analog
output module for about 30 minutes.
2. Assure that the module is correctly installed and that its
configuration is according to your specifications and that it
matches the output range you want to calibrate. You can do this
by using the ADAM utility software. (Refer to Chapter 5, Utility
3. Connect either a 5-digit mA meter or voltmeter with a shunt resistor
(250 Ω, .01 % and 10 ppm) to the screw terminals of the module.
Figure 4-18: Output module calibration
4. Issue the Analog Data Out command to the module with an output