DNS-3200 User’s Manual 60
5.7 Hiding or Unhiding Arrays from the BIOS
The Hide/Unhide array option allows you to hide or Unhide an array or
arrays from the operating system. If an array is hidden it will not be visi-
ble through INT13 or to the operating system when booted. This is a use-
ful feature for hiding hot backups of the system.
To hide or Unhide an array:
1. Select the Hide/Unhide option.
2. Use the arrow keys to highlight the array to be hidden or unhidden.
3. Press the Insert to select an array.
4. Press Enter to commit the selection.
The hidden array turns blue in the BIOS Configuration Utility and the
status of the array displays as Hidden.
Note: You cannot hide a legacy array from the BIOS.
You can hide a legacy array from the operating
system (using RAIDConsole), if you have not
booted off the legacy array and another non-leg-
acy disk is attached to the controller.