
5 ADAM-5560 Series User Manual
Chapter 1 Overview
Real time multi-task engine
ADAM-5560 Series Controller provides the multi-task and multi-program environ-
ment. ADAM-5560 Series Controller’s communication, data process and I/O access
tasks are working independent, so the system performance and efficiency are better
than traditional PLC.
Custom Function Block for complex control
ADAM-5560KW Controller allows custom function block for advanced control algo-
rithm such as fuzzy logic control or neural network control function. Users can define
their own function block for common use function or special domain know-how. The
control kernel also provides powerful floating point calculation and rich memory for
complex control.
Pre-defined function library
Advantech Multiprog provides many pre-defined function library such as maximum of
strings as string function block, Convert REAL to INT as type convert function block.
It helps you to build up your program more conveniently. It is more convenient than
the traditional control programming tools. With this pre-defined function, you can
make your project easier in timer control, variable type conversion or strings conver-
sion, etc.
Powerful debug / diagnostic / simulation / force tools
Advantech Multiprog provides lots of powerful tools for debug, diagnostic, simulation
and force function. It shows friendly interfaces when you use these tools. With debug
/ diagnostic tools, you can make it easier on trouble-shooting. Advantech Multiprog
simulator supports program verification offline directly on your PC. This is great in
case you are developing logic and you do not have access to a controller. To activate
an I/O simply click on the LED you want to energize and your logic executes as if it
was a real I/O. The program operation is the same as if you actually were connected
to the controller, so all the debug tools are fully functional: power and logic flow, I/O
force and overwriting. With force tools, you can check more exception situations and
check if the project handling right or wrong. It prevents the damage for you.
Online editing & partial download
Online editing is a MUST even though many packages do not support it. It is unac-
ceptable to shut down the machine or process to perform maintenance, not to men-
tion how difficult it is to debug when you have to switch back and forth from program
to run mode. Multiprog supports online editing so you can make changes and then
download the changes to the controller WITHOUT stopping the machine or process.
It helps you to maintain your system easier and save the cost for your system pro-
Rich support to ADAM-5560 I/O Modules
Most of the ADAM-5560 I/O modules are supported by ADAM-5560 Series Controller
including analog I/O modules, digital I/O modules and motion control module. All the
operations of supported modules are the same with the operations of ADAM-5510
The ADAM-5560 Series Controller uses a convenient backplane system for
supporting versatile I/O modules. Advantech's complete line of ADAM-5560 I/O mod-
ules integrates with the ADAM-5560 Series Controller to support your applications.
Following table is the latest I/O module support list we provided for user’s choice.