• To reduce the risk associated with mechanical and electrical hazards:
− Allow only properly trained and qualified personnel to operate and service this equipment.
− Turn electrical and air supply off and disconnect before performing any adjustments, maintenance, or
servicing the machine or taping heads.
Adjustments (Continued)
Centering Rail Timing Adjustment
The centering rails position and hold the box in the
center of the infeed conveyor until it contacts the drive
belts. A flow control valve located at the front of the
machine determines the amount of time that these
guides are in contact with the box. This valve is preset
at the factory. However, changes to the plant air
supply and adjustments to the case sealer pneumatic
system for your specific application may alter perfor-
mance of the centering rails.
The centering rails should close against the box until
the drive belts engage and then release the box.
Indications of improper operation include the rails
moving away from the box before the drive belts pull the
box through the machine (short box applications) and
the rails moving inward after the box passes through
the centering rails.
To adjust the Centering Rail timing, do the following:
1. Turn off the air supply and unplug the power cord.
2. Remove Entrance conveyor (if installed).
3. Remove Infeed Frame Cover Plate.
4. Turn the Flow Regulator knob (Figure 5-5) clock-
wise slightly to increase the dwell time or coun-
terclockwise slightly to decrease the dwell time.
5. Replace cover temporarily to prevent access to
moving parts.
6. Turn on the air supply and plug in the power cord.
7. Run a box through the machine and observe the
8. Repeat steps 1–7 until the centering rails operate
9. Replace Infeed Frame Cover plate and Entrance
conveyor (if installed).
Figure 5-4—Timing Adjustment