Quick Start-Up
Quick Start-Up
This section explains to the user how to set up the TLV320AIC23 EVM2 quickly
and hear audio using digital loopback.
1) Set the jumpers for the appropriate conditions as explained in Section 3.2
2) Power up the AIC23 (PJ1) per Section 3.3
3) Connect audio source (e.g., CD player) LINEIN (J1).
4) Connect speaker or headphone to J4.
5) Connect the parallel port interface board to the PC parallel port and, via
the supplied cable, the miniDIN 8-pin jack, J5.
6) Run DASCCT_AIC23 from your PC.
7) When the GUI appears, select the AIC23 radio button (upper left-hand
corner), and check the Dig Loopback check box (bottom, left of center).
8) Audio will be heard from the speakers or headphones.
9) Adjust the volume, using either the HeadPhone Volume or Line Input
Volume controls.
Chapter 2