Sun Microsystems 1.2 Telephone Accessories User Manual

6 Java ME TCK Framework Developer’s Guide July 2007
Framework Bundle
The Framework resources are packaged and provided to users as a zip bundle.
When the bundle is unzipped the following directories and files are placed in the
Framework root directory:
doc - Contains the Java ME TCK Framework Developer’s Guide (PDF and HTML
redistributables - Contains the following directories:
javame_tck_framework_12/src - Contains the source files.
javame_tck_framework_12/lib - Contains compiled Framework classes
prepackaged into Java Archive (JAR) files.
Contains the Framework API documentation.
samples - Contains the following directories:
samples/binaries - Contains prebuilt samples ready for use.
samples/sources - Contains sources for the samples and the build files.
Note Test developers use the sample code contained in samples/sources when
following the examples in this guide.
ReleaseNotes-me_framework.html - Contains additional information about
the Framework release.
COPYRIGHT-me_framework.html - Contains the copyright notice for the
index.html - Contains descriptions of the Framework bundles as well as
hyperlinks to user documentation provided by the Framework.
document.css - Style sheet used by HTML files.
See Appendix B for detailed information about the contents of the Framework
Framework Components
The Framework provides a set of existing components that developers can include in
a test suite to create a bridge between a workstation or PC running the harness and
a device containing the application under test. As a bridge, Framework components
plug into the harness and the device.