Polycom 6000 System Cordless Telephone User Manual

PN: 1725-36097-001_J.doc
Install SpectraLink 6000 System
Survey Site
Check the site to be sure pre-installation work has been completed
correctly. This includes:
Location chosen for the MCU is adequate, and power is available.
Wiring to Base Station locations has been pulled and correctly
Phone lines for the SpectraLink 6000 Wireless Telephones are
installed and properly terminated.
Dedicated line is available for remote access to diagnostic modem.
Telephone system administrator is on-site to program the existing
telephone system.
If the work has not been completed, the Polycom field service
engineer can leave the site and reschedule the installation when the
items have been completed or corrected, or assist in preparing the
This unit must be installed by a service person familiar with the
installation of electronic equipment.
Do not power up the unit before it has been properly grounded to a
protective earth. See Grounding instructions below.