UUpp ttoo 88 MMuullttii--HHaannddsseett CCaappaabbiilliittyy//
UUpp ttoo 44--WWaayy CCoonnffeerreennccee CCaalllliinngg
■ A handset for every room
Everyone in your family can have their own telephone
handset, or you can place different handsets in different
rooms, such as the kitchen, bedrooms, living room, den, etc.
■ Private extensions
When multiple handsets are available, you can enjoy
handset-to-handset talking, or have conference calls with
outside parties (up to 4-way).
Applicable: KX-TG5961ALS.
Study Room
Child’s Room
LLiigghhtt--uupp IIDD aanndd RRiinnggeerr IIDD**
■ Visual identification
You can identify the caller by the illuminating colour of
the Light-up indicator, e.g., “blue” for dad, “green” for
grandpa, “amber” for mom.
On some models, available colours
are red, green, and amber.