LifeDrive from palmOne 493
CHAPTER 22 Sharing Information
Beaming a category
1 Select the category you want to beam:
a. Open an application
b. From the list view, select the pick list in the upper-right corner and select the
category you want. This takes you to the list view within the selected
2 Beam the category:
a. Open the menus
b. Select the Beam Category menu item in the leftmost menu.
c. When the Beam dialog box appears, point your device’s IR port directly at
the IR port of the other device.
3 Wait for the Beam dialog box to indicate that beaming is complete.
Create a category of
Calendar events such as
your meeting schedule,
and then beam the entire
category to your business
partner’s device.
When you receive a
beamed item, you can file
the item in a category
using the Receive dialog
IR port