16 - Midland BTX1
Description of the installation brackets
The Midland BTX1 can be fixed onto the helmet in two different ways: By either
using the plate with bi-adhesive strip, or the clamp. These methods allow you to
safely “fix” the BTX1 unit onto your helmet and to remove it at any time in order
to recharge or store it.
Plate with bi-adhesive strip
The fixing plate has a bi-adhesive strip on one of
its sides. To fix the plate in place, clean the appli-
cation area on the helmet surface, remove the bi-
adhesive film and
place the fixing plate on the helmet by keeping it
contact with the surface for a few seconds.
Screw Clamp
Using the Allen Key, loosen the two screws on the clamp and place the rear plate
between the helmet padding and the external rigid protection. Then, tighten the
two screws in order to firmly fix the clamp in place. Inside the clamp is included a
small plastic spacer that can be removed to give a tighter fit if required.
Fitting and removing your Midland BTX1
The BTX1 can be easily fitted onto the helmet by sliding it downwards so that
it fits into the slot of the selected fixing device (plate with bi-adhesive strip or
clamp). BTX1 is maintained in position thanks to the fixing clip located on the
upper section (A).
To detach the BTX1, simply press the fixing clip and push the unit upwards.
Switching your Midland BTX1 on and off
Switching the unit on:
Press and hold “Middle” button down for approximately 3 seconds until the BLUE
indicator lights.
Switching the unit off:
Press and hold both “Middle” and “Rear” buttons together for approximately 3 se-
conds until the RED indicator flashes 3 times, thus lessening the chances that you
might turn off the unit accidentally (especially whilst wearing gloves).
Operative “mode”
The BTX1 can operate in two main “mode”: Intercom and Phone.
The 3 multi function buttons can have different functionality depending on which
mode the unit is at that moment.
› In “Intercom mode” the middle buttons let you manage the communications
between driver and passanger
› In “Phone mode” you can manage your Bluetooth cellular phone to place/
answer a phone call or to listen to the music (in stereo mode). Please use your
phone responsibly and safely.
You can switch (toggle) from one mode to the other simply pressing the Middle
button for 3 seconds. A voice announcement will tell in which mode you are on.
The toggle sequence is the following:
› Intercom mode (if another unit has been paired)
› Phone mode (if a phone has been paired)
Every time you turn on the unit, the default mode is Intercom (if it was previously
paired to another unit), otherwise it will be Phone (If was paired to a phone).
If you need to know in which mode the unit currently is, just press the “Volume +
“ and “Volume –“ button together. A voice announcement will tell you the current