Analizing!! Please wait a moment...
Frequency 1 : 620
Frequency 2 : 474
0.25sec on 0.25sec off
-greeting record the greeting file
-askpin record the askpin file
-tone analyze the tone from PSTN or PABX
The Procedures of recording the disconnect tone
Micronet FXO/FXSO Gateway in the latest version use the "record -tone"
command to analyze the disconnect tone. Please prepare connection as
the figure shown.
Note: Please connect extension (or PSTN) line to the second FXO port (L2)
of FXO gateway that takes charge of tone detection. For FXS/FXO gateway,
however, the first FXO port (LINE1) is in charge.
(1). Prepare Telnet or Console connection, and login the system.
(2). Place command "record -tone", and press "r"...
(3). Make a call from handset (Ext.8509) to the Ext.8401 into the FXO port.
(4). After greeting tone, hang up the call from Ext.8509
(5). Press R key and Enter to start analysis