Lucent Technologies 8111 Telephone User Manual

Your new Lucent Technologies telephones have been registered with the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC). This product complies with
standards in Part 68 of the FCC rules. The FCC requires us to provide you
with the following information:
The FCC requires that you connect your telephone equipment to the
nationwide telephone network through a modular telephone outlet or jack.
The modular telephone outlet or jack to which the telephone must be
connected is a USOC RJ11C or RJ11W. The telephone may not be used on
coin service provided by the telephone company. Connection to party lines
is subject to state tariffs. (Contact your state public utility commission or
corporation commission for information.)
Upon request of your local telephone company, you are required to provide
them with the following information: A.) Your phone number. B.) The
telephone equipment's FCC registration number and ringer equivalence
number (REN). These numbers are on the back or bottom of your
telephone equipment. The REN is useful to determine how many devices
you may connect to your telephone line and still have them ring when your
telephone line is called. At most, but not all areas, the sum of all Rent
should be 5 or less. You may want to contact your local telephone
If it is determined that your telephone is malfunctioning, the FCC requires
that it not be used and that it be unplugged from the modular outlet until the
problem is corrected. Repairs can only be made by the manufacturer or its
authorized agents or by others who may be authorized by the FCC.
If telephone equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone
company may temporarily discontinue your telephone service. If possible,
they'll notify you before they interrupt service. If advance notice isn't practical,
you'll be notified as soon as possible. You'll be given the opportunity to correct
the problem, and you'll be informed of your right to file a complaint with the
FCC. Your telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment,
operations or procedures that could affect the proper functioning of your Lucent
Technologies product. If such changes are planned, you'll be notified.
WARNING: Some telephone equipment generates and uses radio
frequency energy and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, may cause interference to
radio and television reception. These telephones have been type tested and
found to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in
accordance with the specifications in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules,
which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such
interference in a residential installation.particular installation.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment on
and off, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
Reorient the receiving television or radio antennae where this may
be done safely.
To the extent possible, relocate the receiver with respect to the tele-
phone equipment.
Where the telephone equipment requires ac power, plug the tele-
phone into a different ac outlet so that the telephone equipment and
receiver are on different branch circuits.
WHAT IS COVERED: All terms and conditions specified in your
agreement with Lucent Technologies apply.
TELEPHONE: Call the Lucent Technologies Customer Service
Support Operations toll-free at 1 800 242-2121 or call the distributor from
whom the product was purchased. If you are directed to ship your
telephone to an authorized service location, you must prepay all shipping
costs. We suggest that you retain the original packing material in the event
you need to ship the unit. When sending your telephone to a service
location, include your name, address, phone number, proof of purchase (or
original shipping receipt), and description of the operating problem. After
replacing your telephone, Lucent Technologies will ship it to you at no cost
to you.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B
limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus
set out in the interference-causing equipment
standard entitled “Digital Apparatus,” ICES-003 of
the Department of Communications.
NOTICE: The Canadian Department of Communications
label identifies certified equipment. This certification
means that the equipment meets certain
telecommunications network protective, operational
and safety requirements. The Department does not
guarantee the equipment will operate to the users
Before installing this equipment, users should ensure
that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities of
the local telecommunications company. The
equipment must also be installed using an acceptable
method of connection. The customer should be aware
that compliance with the above conditions may not
prevent degradation of service in some situations.
Repairs to certified equipment should be made by an
authorized Canadian maintenance facility designated
by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the
user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions,
may give the telecommunications company cause to
request the user to disconnect the equipment.
Users should ensure for their own protection that the
electrical ground connections of the power utility,
telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system,
if present, are connected together. This precaution
may be particularly important in rural areas.
CAUTION: Users should not attempt to make such
connections themselves, but should contact the
appropriate electrical inspection authority, or
electrician, as appropriate.
NOTICE: The Load Number (LN) assigned to each
terminal device denotes the percentage of the total load
to be connected to a telephone loop which is used by
the device, to prevent overloading. The termination on
a loop may consist of any combination of devices
subject only to the requirement that the sum of the
Load Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 100.
(for the 8102M, 8104, 8110M, and 8111
The Hold Feature
The Hold button () can be programmed, at each individual set,
either as the normal Hold feature or as an alternate feature such as Call
Park. The default setting is for normal Hold.
To program for normal Hold (that is, the feature which
allows the user to put a call on hold)
1 Press the PROGRAM button; then press the FLASH button; then
press .
2 Press again; then press the FLASH button again; finally,
press the PROGRAM button again.
To program the HOLD button as an alternate feature such as Call
1 Press the PROGRAM button; then press the FLASH button; then
press the HOLD button.
2 Press “797 (SYS)” on the dial pad.
3 Press the FLASH button again; then press the PROGRAM button
Note: Next, you must program the button with the feature access code
of the alternate feature (such as Call Park).
Note: As long as the HOLD button is not being used for the Hold
feature, the light next to the HOLD button will not go on.
The Timed Disconnect Feature
The system manager can program a minimum of 1.2-second timed
disconnect. The default setting is timed disconnect disabled.
Note: If Timed Disconnect is enabled, there will be a
1.2-second delay in speakerphone response.
To program the (1.2-second minimum) Timed Disconnect option
1 Press the PROGRAM button; then press the FLASH button.
2 Press “837 (TDS)” on the dial pad.
3 Press the FLASH button again; then press the PROGRAM button
To disable the Timed Disconnect option
1 Press the PROGRAM button; then press the FLASH button.
2 Press “866 (TNO)” at the dial pad.
3 Press the FLASH button again; then press the PROGRAM button
Locking the Programmable Dialing Buttons
The system manager can lock the 12 programmable dialing buttons so
the numbers or features assigned to these buttons CANNOT be
To lock the Programmable Dialing buttons
1 Press the PROGRAM button; then press the FLASH button.
2 Press “752 (RLC)” on the dial pad.
3 Press the FLASH button again; then press the PROGRAM button
To unlock the Programmable Dialing buttons
4 Press the PROGRAM button; then press the FLASH button.
5 Press “766 (RNO)on the dial pad.
6 Press the FLASH button again; then press the PROGRAM button
8101A01B 20 CA11A, CA114A;
RJ11C, RJ14C
8101A02B 20 CA11A, CA114A;
RJ11C, RJ14C
8102A01C 17 CA11A, CA114A;
RJ11C, RJ14C
8103 CA11A, CA114A;
RJ11C, RJ14C
8104 CA11A, CA114A;
RJ11C, RJ14C
8110A01D 10 CA110A, CA114A;
RJ11C, RJ14C
8111 CA110A, CA114A;
RJ11C, RJ14C
CAUTION: The following features for the
8102M, 8104, 8110M, and 8111 telephones
programmed only by the
If necessary, detach this panel from the
quick reference guide and keep it separate.
should be
system manager.