General Electric DELTA-SX mobile radio combinations
are completely solid state utilizing microcomputer technol-
ogy and integrated circuits to provide high quality - high re-
liability radios. The DELTA-SX radio is designed for use in
vehicles having a negative ground battery system. In vehi-
cles having a positive ground battery system a polarity con-
verter must be used. Standard combinations may be
equipped with:
• Microcomputer Control led Frequency Synthesizer
• Up to 32 channels
• .0002% or .0005% frequency stability
• UHS Preamplifier (Ultra High Sensitivity), optional
• Tone and/or Digital Channel Guard, optional
The radio set is housed in a weather resistant case only 2
1/2 inches high. The radio is secured to the vehicle by a bot-
tom mounting plate, and is tamperproof when locked into
the plate. When unlocked, the handle can be pulled down
and the radio pulled out of the mounting plate or the top
cover removed for servicing. When pulled down, the han-
dle can be used to carry the radio.
The PA board is inserted into the radio from the top of
the frame, while the TRS board is inserted from the bottom.
There are no wires used in the basic radio. Interconnections
are provided by pins on the TRS board that mate with con-
nectors on the PA assembly. A power bus connects A+ and
A- from the front connector to the PA assembly. The PA
board is isolated from ground (floating). power is supplied
directly from the battery to the PA power output stage.
The radio is of single-layer con-struction with all major
modules and tuning adjustments easily accessible from the
top of the radio.
Centralized metering jacks for the transmitter, receiver
and system functions are provided for simplified alignment
and troubleshooting.
Excluding option boards, the basic radio consists of two
printed wiring boards mounted in a cast aluminum frame.
The two boards are the transmitter-receiver-system (TRS)
board 19D901650G1 and the power amplifier board (See
Figure l). The TRS board is connected to chassis ground al-
lowing it to be used in vehicles with a negative ground bat-
tery system only. Option boards include the Channel Guard
board and VG Interface board. The VG Interface board is
used in radios equipped with VOICE GUARD.
Figure 1 - Typical Module Layout