GE 00023810 Telephone User Manual

When reviewing Caller ID records, you may dialback the phone
numbers shown on the display by pressing the dial button.
1. Use the 5 or 6 buttons to scroll to the number you want to dial.
If you see a number with 7 digits (i.e. 555-1234), then the call
was received from within your area code. However, this does not
guarantee the call is a local call.
• f you see a number with 11 digits (i.e. 1-234-555-1234), then the call
received was not from your area code.
2. Press the
button and the screen displays PICKUP or ADJ. A
10 second timer also starts in the upper right side of the display,
letting you know the time remaining until the unit returns to the
Summary Screen. If you adjust the number to be dialled, the timer
automatically resets itself.
3. To adjust the phone number, press the
 button. For instance,
a 7-digit local number sometimes cannot be dialled because
it requires a 10-digit or 11-digit format. Press the dial button
repeatedly to scroll through the 7, 10, and 11-digit numbers.
 7-digit telephone number.
(i.e. 555-5555)
 3-digit area code + 7-digit telephone number.
(i.e. 425-555-5555)
 long distance code 1 + 3-digit area code + 7-digit
telephone number.
(i.e. 1-425-555-5555)
4. To dial the displayed number, pick up the handset before the timer
reaches 0. The screen displays NOW Dialling and the number is
1. Use the5 or 6 buttons to display the number you want to
dial. You will only see 10-digit numbers (i.e. 234-555-1234).
2. See steps 2 through 4 in the above section to complete the dialback
Before you store a telephone number in memory, make sure the
dialing mode is correctly set for the type of service you have. The
default dialing mode is tone (touch-tone), so if you have pulse (rotary)
service, you must rst change the dialing mode. See “Tone/Pulse Dial
1. Pick up the handset.
2. Press the
3. Push the desired memory location button (0-9).
4. Press the
5. Use the handset number keys to enter the telephone number (up to
16-digits) and press the  button.
6. Hang up the handset.
This process allows you to dial a succession of stored numbers from
separate memory locations. This is useful when you must dial several
sequences of numbers, such as with frequent calls via a telephone
company long distance provider.
For example Memory location
Local access number of long distance company 6
Authorization code (ID) 7
Long distance phone number 8
1. Pick up the handset.
2. Press the
 button, then press number “6” for the memory
3. Press the
 button, then press number “7” for the memory
4. Press
 button, then press number “8” for the memory location.
5. The number dials automatically.
This feature is used to activate customer calling services available
through your local phone company, such as Call Waiting. These
services generally require an extra monthly fee. If you subscribe to any
of these services, please refer to the phone company’s instructions on
how to use ash.
To answer an incoming call while having a conversation:
After you hear the Call Waiting tone, press and release the
button. The rst call is placed on hold while the second call can be
answered.To return to your rst call and put the second call on hold:
Press and release the
 button again. The rst call can continue
while the second call is put on hold.
If you have pulse service, you can temporarily change from pulse to
tone service. After dialling the telephone number, press and release
the button on the telephone. This allows access to phone
The following special messages indicate the status of a message or
the unit:
NO CALLS The caller memory is empty.
UNKNOWN CALLER The incoming call does not have Caller ID service
or their service area is not linked to yours. if
UNKNOWN CALLER appears along with a calling
number, the name information for that number is
not available.
BLOCKED CALL The incoming caller is registered as “Private
Number” and Caller ID information is withheld.
START/END You are at the beginning or the end of the Caller
ID memory log.
CALL WAITING If you subscribe to Call Waiting Caller ID Service,
this icon ashes when you receive a call while
you are on the phone.
REPT If you subscribe to Call Waiting Caller ID Service,
this icon ashes when you receive a call while
you are on the phone.
NEW Indicates call or calls have not been reviewed.
No Dial Tone
Check all cabling to make sure that all connections are secure and
not damaged.
Check the hook switch: It should fully extend from the base when
the handset is lifted from the cradle?
Phone Does Not Ring
Make sure the ringer is turned on.
There may be too may extension phones connected to your line. Try
disconnecting an extension phone.
See solution for ”NO DIAL TONE. ”
Incoming and Outgoing Voice Volume Low
• Are other phones off hook at same time? If so, this is normal
condition as volume drops when additional phones are used at
No Information is Shown After the Phone Rings
To receive CID data, you must subscribe to Caller ID service from
your telephone company.
Wait until the second ring before answering. CID data is received
after the 1st ring.
Error Message is Displayed
ERRORappears in the display if the unit detects anything other
than valid Caller ID information during the silent period after the
rst ring. This message indicates either the presence of noise on the
line, or that an invalid message has been sent from the telephone
Wait until the second ring before answering.
To keep your unit working and looking good, follow these guidelines:
Avoid putting it near heating appliances and devices that generate
electrical noise (for example, motors or uorescent lamps).
DO NOT expose to direct sunlight or moisture.
Avoid dropping answerer and/or other rough treatment.
Clean with a soft cloth.
Never use a strong cleaning agent or abrasive powder because this
will damage the nish.
Retain the original packaging in case you need to ship it at a
later date.
If trouble is experienced with this equipment, for warranty information, please
contact customer service at . If the equipment is causing
harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may require that you
disconnect the equipment until the problem is resolved.
Any unauthorized repairs, changes or modications not expressly approved
by Thomson Inc. could void the user’s authority to operate this product. For
instructions on how to obtain a replacement unit, refer to the warranty
included in this guide or call customer service at .
Or refer inquiries to:
Attach your sales receipt to this booklet for future reference or jot down the
date this product was purchased or received as a gift. This information will be
valuable if service should be required during the warranty period.
Purchase date ____________________________________________________
Name of store _____________________________________________________
Provided you subscribe to Call Waiting Caller ID service from your
phone company; if you receive an incoming call and you are using
the GE multi handset system, a beep indicates the presence of a Call
Waiting call on the line. The Call Waiting Caller ID information will be
displayed and stored in the history of all handsets in the system.
• When you hear the call waiting beep in the handset receiver, press
the button to put the current call on hold and answer the
incoming call. Press the button again to return to the original
When you receive a call, the Caller ID information is transmitted
between the rst and second ring. The screen displays the Caller ID
information while the phone rings, giving you a chance to monitor the
information and decide whether or not to answer the call.
If you are not at home or cannot answer, your telephone’s Caller ID
memory stores the data for the 50 most recent calls you received so
you can see who called while you were unavailable. When the 51st
call is received, the oldest Caller ID record (1st call) is automatically
You may review the stored information at any time. Calls received
since your last review show as NEW in the display. Calls that have not
been previously reviewed but were received from the same number
more than once show as REPT in the display.
As calls are received and stored, the display is updated to let you know
how many calls have been received. To scroll CID records:
1. Press either the
5 or 6 button to view the newest call record.
2. Press the
5 button to scroll through the call records from the
most recent to the oldest.
3. Press the
6 button to scroll through the call records from the
oldest to the newest.
4. When all of the messages have been viewed, the screen displays
To delete the record showing in the display, press the button
To delete all records while reviewing, press and hold the
button until the screen displays ERASE ALL?, then press the 
button again to conrm.
• Defects in materials or workmanship.
• One year, from date of purchase.
(The warranty period for rental units begins with the rst rental or 45 days
from date of shipment to the rental rm, whichever comes rst.)
• Provide you with a new unit. The exchange unit is under warranty for the
remainder of the original product’s warranty period.
• Properly pack your unit. Include any cables, etc., which were originally
provided with the product. We recommend using the original carton and
packing materials.
• ”Proof of purchase in the form of a bill of sale or receipted invoice which
is evidence that the product is within the warranty period, must be
presented to obtain warranty service.” For rental rms, proof of rst rental
is also required. Also print your name and address and a description of
the defect. Send via standard UPS or its equivalent to:
• Insure your shipment for loss or damage. Thomson Inc. accepts
no liability in case of damage or loss.
• A new unit will be shipped to you freight prepaid.
does not
• Customer instruction. (Your Owner’s Manual provides information
regarding operating instructions and user controls. Any additional
information, should be obtained from your dealer.)
• Installation and setup service adjustments.
• Batteries.
• Damage from misuse or neglect.
• Products which have been modied or incorporated into other products.
• Products purchased or serviced outside the USA.
• Acts of nature, such as but not limited to lightning damage.
• Please visit  to register your unit. It will make it easier
to contact you, should it ever be necessary. Registration is not required for
warranty coverage.
 
 
• Some states do not allow the exclusion nor limitation of incidental or
consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty
lasts so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.
• This warranty gives you specic legal rights, and you also may have other
rights that vary from state to state.
• This warranty does not apply. Contact your dealer for warranty
Repeat the storage sequence above. The new number replaces the
old number at the memory location.
1. Pick up the handset.
2. Press the
 button.
3. Select the memory location (0-9) to be erased.
4. Press and hold the delete button for three seconds until the number
in the display is erased.
5. Hang up the handset.
1. Pick up the handset and press the  button.
2. Press 0-9 for the memory location. The number dials automatically.
1. Pick up the handset and press the
2. Press the
5 or 6 buttons for the desired memory location.
3. Press the
button to dial the number.
1. Press the
button while the handset is still in the cradle.
2. Press the
5 or 6 buttons for the desired memory location, lift
the handset and the number dials automatically.
1. Press the  button.
2. Press 0-9 for the memory location. the screen displays the number.
1. Pick up the handset.
2. Press the
5 or 6 buttons to display the number you want to
3. Press the
4. Press 0-9 for the memory location. The screen ashes if the
memory location is occupied.
5. Press the
 button twice to replace the new information with
the old, or press the 5 or 6 buttons to select an empty
location. The number is automatically stored.
6. Hang up the handset.
1. Pick up the handset.
2. Press the
 button.
3. Press 0-9 for the memory location. The screen ashes if the
memory location is occupied. Press the 5 or 6 buttons
to select a different location. The screen ashes if the memory
location is occupied.
4. Press the
 button again to conrm.
5. Press the
 button, and then press the button again.
Hang up the handset.
The redial button has dual functionality. It becomes a pause button if
the store button is pressed rst. It is valid only when storing a number
into memory. Use the redial button to insert a pause when a delay is
needed in an automatic dialling sequence. For example, when you
must dial a 9 to get an outside line, or when you enter codes to access
your long distance company.
You may need to adjust the length of the pause. It can be adjusted
from 1 to 9 seconds. The default setting is 4 seconds.
1. Pick up the handset.
2. Press the
 button.
3. Press the
 button.
4. Press 1-9 (1 = 1 second, 2 = 2 seconds, etc.)
5. Press the
 button again.
6. Hang up the handset.
This unit receives and displays information transmitted by your local
phone company. This information can include the phone number,
date, and time; or the name, phone number, date, and time.