Quick start guide for Dell XC720xd for
Desktop Virtualization
NOTE: DO NOT throw away this document. This document contains important information and
Web site URLs for the installation and licensing of your Dell XC720xd appliance, and information for
contacting Dell Technical Support team.
Information about the necessary pre-requisites for Dell-supported hardware and software may be
accessed online from the See XC Series support information at dell.com/WyseXC.
Setting up the XC720xd
NOTE: For detailed instructions about each tasks mentioned here, see the XC720xd Deployment
at dell.com/WyseXC.
Before you deploy virtual desktops, complete the following tasks to set up your appliance:
1. Cable the network ports of the host system for the following connections:
a. Broker and virtual desktops
b. Hypervisor and host server
c. Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC)
2. Configure the hypervisor on the host system.
3. Configure Nutanix software.
4. Install and configure Microsoft SQL Server.
5. Install and configure Microsoft SCVMM software if using vWorkspace with Hyper-V or XenDesktop
with Hyper-V.
6. Install and configure VMware vCenter if using VMware View or XenDesktop with vSphere.
7. Install and configure connection broker as necessary.