Speaker, Listen and Sense Adjustments:
These adjustments allow the TE-100 to be to tailored differently for each installation.
The factory settings should work well in most homes. The sense control may need
special adjustment as it can be affected by outside noise and the level and type of
voice that the user presents when speaking into the phone.
The R8 SPEAKER adjustment sets the volume level for the front door speaker. It
should only need adjustment when long runs of wire to the speaker are employed.
Note that the TE-100 is designed to power speakers up to a distance of 1000 feet
away. On short wire runs, the amplifier may oscillate if too much gain is used. If this
occurs turn the speaker adjustment clockwise to reduce the volume level at the
speaker. The factory setting is positioned at 3 o’clock.
The LISTEN adjustment sets the volume level heard through the telephone. This
should be set to 75% to 80% of maximum volume. Too much gain can cause the
VOX circuit (the link between the visitor at the door to the inside telephones) to
switch on its own. A clockwise adjustment decreases the volume through the ear
piece. The factory setting is positioned at 7 o’clock.
SENSE adjusts the sensitivity of the voice switching circuit. Depending on the set-
ting, the switch may be more sensitive (responsive) to the visitor at the door or more
responsive to the person speaking from the phone. In either case, if the setting is too
little toward any side the speech will be "broken" and words (or parts of words) will
become cut off. There is also an interplay between the listen control and the sense
adjustment. If the listen adjust is set too high, it can affect the sense adjust because it
is sending a level of sound from the speaker that exceeds the telephone signal. A
counter clockwise adjustment decreases the amount of background noise. If set be-
yond the 6 o'clock position, the TE-100 may pick up too much outside noise such as
cars passing by. The factory setting is positioned at 3 o’clock.
The factory settings should work well in most cases. However, wire length, outside
background noise and the placement of the speaker can all affect the overall system
performance making some adjustments necessary.
3 O’Clock
7 O’Clock
3 O’Clock