BOOL EnableCommNotification(idComDev, hwnd, cbWriteNotify, cbOutQueue)
int idComDev;
/* Communication device identifier */
int hwnd;
/* Handle of window that receives the message */
int cbWriteNotify;
/* Number of bytes written before notification */
int cbOutQueue;
/* Minimum number of bytes of the output queue */
EnableCommNotification will enable or disable the posting of the WM_COMMNOTIFY message
to the specified window.
< Parameter >
idComDev Specifies the communication device that posts the notification message to the
window identified by the hwnd parameter.
The OpenComm function returns this idComDev parameter value.
hwnd Identifies the window to which the posting of WM_COMMNOTIFY message
is enabled or disabled. If this parameter is NULL, EnableCommNotification
will disable the posting of the message to the current window.
cbWriteNotify Specifies the number of bytes to be written in the input queue of the application
with the COM driver before the notification message is transmitted.
A message requesting it to read the information from the input queue will be
sent to the application.
cbOutQueue Specifies the minimum number of bytes of the output queue. If the number of
bytes in the output queue is less than this value, the COM driver will send a
message to the application requesting it to write the information in the output
< Return value >
Returns a value other than zero if the function is terminated normally. Otherwise it returns zero to
indicate that an invalid COM port identifier was specified, the port is not opened, or a function that
is not supported by RSCOMM.DRV was specified.