Just 5 years ago, if you had a professional film camera that
could provide 7-8 frames per second with a motor drive, you
had a top of the line camera. The CAMEDIA E-100 ZOOM RS
provides more than double that frame rate as part of its digital
specific design attributes. This allows the user to capture subtle-
ties in photo illustration, for example capturing a golf swing.
According to pro shooter Walter Urie, “when you’re photo-
graphing action, this camera gives you the opportunity to cap-
ture the exact moment I wanted and capture the action every
single time.”
15 Frames per Second Frame15 Frames per Second Frame
15 Frames per Second Frame15 Frames per Second Frame
15 Frames per Second Frame
Rate Capable CaptureRate Capable Capture
Rate Capable CaptureRate Capable Capture
Rate Capable Capture
Capturing a golf swing at15
FPS with the CAMEDIA E-100
ZOOM RS © 2000 Walter Urie