I have a Samsung phone iDSC 18D and I cannot change the voicemail message from the previous owner's voice

Asked by Janet Fourticq on 04/17/2014 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 8 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 Press the VOICEMAIL button. You should hear “Enter Passcode” Press “*” (asterisk) You should hear the main greeting “Thanks for calling, blah, blah blah…”. Press “#0000″ to access the system administrator mailbox. You should hear “Enter the passcode”. The default passcode is 0000 (NOTE: it is possible to change this passcode so if 0000 does not work contact the company that installed your phone system). You should hear “Welcome to the system administrator main menu, for system prompts press 1″. Press “1″. You should here “Enter the prompt number”. Dial 1001 for the DAY prompt. Dial 1002 for the NIGHT prompt. Press 1 to listen to the existing prompt. To re-record the prompt press 3. When done press the # key to end recording. TEST your new recording.
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