How do I change an existing name on a phone?

Asked by B Pavel on 06/03/2009 16  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 7 months ago

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8 hit the green "TRSF" button, dial 104, enter the name using the keypad (vol up and down move curser left and right), press "TRSF" when done.
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0 When I put someone on hold and ring another office and then i tell them on the speaker who is holding on what line, when I hang up it still rings to them like I transferred but I did not, and it even leaves a msg if they can't pick up or not in their office, how do i cut this feature off. I want it to speaker them in their office but then when i hang up I want it to release the line and they do not have to keep picking up the phone to release the line. thanks
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0 If i have an extra letter how do i get rid of it in the name?
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0 I found this manual. Juliza letter.pdf
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0 ^^ Use the "1" key to insert a blank space (get rid of a extra letter).
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