We are a real estate business. Over weekends we set the phone on the follow-me option to the agent on duty. The call comes into our office and rings the phone 2 or 3 times. Then it pauses for about 5 to 10 seconds then it starts ringing the phone that it was forwarded to. The problem is in the 5 to 10 seconds that it pauses. The pause sounds a lot like the system has hung up on you and we are losing calls because the caller thinks they were hung up on and hang up themselves. Is there a way to insert a message into this blank pause? That way we can tell them to remain on the line for the agent on duty instead of making them feel they have been hung up on.

Asked by Don on 03/16/2009 0  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 10 months ago

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